Wednesday 3 October 2007

Trouble ahead for Sunday World journalist.

A number of investigations have now started into the leaked statement of Sunday World journalist Hugh Jordan, sources are saying that there should be developments in the near future, it is expected that Mr. Jordan will be questioned by US Law enforcement officers.


thatman said...

US law enforcement agencies !. What about his colleagues from the 4th estate. Total silence, what are they scared of, perhaps similar skeletons in their cupboards. Lets see some old fashioned investigative journalism on this Hugh Jordan and his activities. Remember Denis Donaldson, maybe a closer look at events surrounding his death would be a good start. I understand the IRSP are less than happy with Jordan, whats that all about ?. Lets get something moving on this person and enlighten the country on certain activities in Ireland.

thatman said...

Trouble ahead for Hugh Jordan. Not if the drivel in the current issue of The Phoenix is anything to judge by. They were to scared to name him and the content of the full page piece could not be called journalism, even by todays lowly standards. Anyone interested should take a look at a recent article Japan Today by John Mcglynn or contact him at, there you will find a more balanced account not the inane rubbish in the comic called The Phoenix. Whats this got to do with Hugh Jordan ?. Well he has done extensive work for The Phoenix, something I dare say they would like to forget. Mind you they have a long history of using touts to get dodgy info for their stories. Anyway I see that Jordans friends in the media are still keeping quite, no rush to defend him, no defending the indefensable.

thatman said...

Ashtray. Give that whistle a really hard blast. We expect nothing less.